Monthly Talks Programme

These take place on the last Thursday of each month at 19:30 (No Talks are held in August and December). The price for Talks at the Fleet Air Arm Museum for 2024 is £6.00.  We are continuing to improve the standard of our live Zoom option with the aim of widening the audience for these talks.  The cost for this option is £4.00.

Access for Thursday evening Talks at the Fleet Air Arm Museum is via the ground floor access gate, which is to the left of the main entrance stairs. Ring the bell on the sign to the left of the gate and a staff member will come and let you in.

Guests and non members are very welcome at the Museum or on Zoom.  Tea/Coffee, Wine and Soft Drinks are available for a donation in the FAAM Auditorium before the presentation starts and also in the interval.

These are very popular events and we encourage you to purchase tickets beforehand to ensure entry. Entry is possible on the door of the night of the Talk but only if the maximum capacity has not been reached.  Pre-paid tickets are guaranteed entry as priority will be given to pre-paid ticket holders. Tickets are available online via PayPal. Other payment options are available by BACS and Cheque. Please note: there is a cut off for purchasing advance tickets on the Tuesday before a Thursday Talk at 19:30 when the PayPal links will be disabled. Any payments received after the cut-off will be held over to the following month’s Talk.

Are very welcome to our Thursday evening Talks both at the Fleet Air Arm Museum and on Zoom. Consider joining SoFFAAM to get the benefits of entry to the Museum and other society privileges.  See our Membership page HERE.

NB. We do not issue physical tickets. Names will be added to the audience attendance list at the Museum Auditorium. You will be asked for your Surname and checked-in on the night. The same is for Zoom where you will be checked as you log-in.  Zoom links are sent out 48 hours before the talk takes place. For further details on any of the monthly talks, please contact us.

Rod Dean – Flying and Displaying Vintage Piston Aircraft.

Thursday 27 March 2025

After a hugely entertaining talk about his service flying career in January, we welcome Rod back for ‘part 2’ where he will cover his  flying activities on the civilian display circuit.

His first display after leaving the RAF was on 26 and 27 August 1984 at the showground in Harrogate in Lindsey Walton’s Boeing Stearman, G-THEA.  The Stearman is a real “Gentleman’s Carriage” which seemingly does everything at 90 m.p.h.  After purchasing a share in G-WULF, a 50% scale Focke Wulf 190, things progressed rapidly on the display front until, eventually, the “Big Break” arrived.  This, and the subsequent progression to a wide variety of big piston engine fighters (Spitfires, Hurricane, Seafire, Mustang, Skyraider amonsts others), will all be revealed in great detail throughout the talk, including handling and performance characteristics of the various aircraft, copious photographs and plenty of interesting detail.

Picture by Eric Coeckelbergh: Rod flying Spitfire MKXVIII – SM845

Payment options will be made available below at the end of February.

March 2025 Talk Payment Information.

Members and guests attending at the FAA Museum is £6.00ea. You can also pay on the door on the night to see this Talk, but priority will be given to pre-paid tickets if the hall capacity is reached. 

PLEASE NOTE: there is a cut off  for purchasing advanced tickets on the Tuesday prior to the Talk at 19:30 when the PayPal link will be disabled.  Any BACS or Cheque payments received after this time will be held over to the following months Talk.


To attend at the Museum is £6.00

To pay by PayPal please click HERE.

We do not issue physical tickets. PayPal informs us you have paid and your name will be added to the audience attendance list at the Museum Auditorium. You will be asked for your Surname and checked-in on the night.

PayPal Zoom

To attend on Zoom is £4.00

To pay by PayPal please click HERE.

We do not issue physical tickets. PayPal informs us you have paid and your name will be added to the Zoom attendance list and checked-in online on the night.


BANK: Lloyds Bank plc. Sort Code: 30-99-98 Account No: 00857987

Please reference the payment with your Surname/March so we know which talk you are paying for.

For Zoom, you must email requesting your Zoom invite. Please advise your payment is for the April 2025 Talk.

Zoom links will be sent 48 hours ahead of the Talk.  If you have not received one by 24 hours ahead of the Talk, please contact


Please send a cheque payable to SoFFAAM:

Membership Secretary, Coombe View, 1 Coombe Villas, Coombe Orchard, Chapel Street, Axmouth, Devon, EX12 4AU.

Please reference the payment with your Surname/March so we know which talk you are paying for.

For Zoom, you must email requesting your Zoom invite. Please advise your payment is for the April 2025 Talk.

Zoom links will be sent 48 hours ahead of the Talk.  If you have not received one by 24 hours ahead of the Talk, please contact

Vic Flintham – Rover David and how the Desert Air Force gave Hitler his Dunkirk moment.

(close air support to the 8th Army 1940 to 1945)

Thursday 24 April 2025 at 19.30

This talk traces the history of close air support as it evolved in the Mediterranean theatre. This was the most refined system during the Second World War, leading to the largest close air support missions of all time, Operation Wowser.

Aviation historian Vic Flintham CRAeS has researched British military aviation for sixty years and is the author of numerous articles and eight books some of which have become standard references. In the late 1990s, while running his management consultancy business, he undertook Government-sponsored research on strategic bombing that paid for him to take flying lessons with British Airways Flying Club. He gained his PPL(A) licence (plus IMC(R)) at the age of 60 and flew a shared Piper Archer, then his own SportCruiser, from Fowlmere aerodrome in Cambridgeshire. After 750 hours and landings in such exotic locations as Berlin Tempelhof, Madrid Cuatro Vientos, Venice S Nicolo and Madeira Funchal he has hung up his headset.

Having recently completed a two-volume work on RAF close air support in the Mediterranean theatre during the Second World War latest book on the RAF and FAA in Greece 1940-1950 is with the publisher. Vic is a liveryman of the Honourable Company of Air Pilots and outside aviation his interests include photography and philately.

Payment options for this Talk will be available at the end of March:

April 2025 Talk Payment Information.

Members and guests attending at the FAA Museum is £6.00ea and Zoom £4.00ea. You can also pay on the door on the night to see this Talk, but priority will be given to pre-paid tickets if the hall capacity is reached. 

PLEASE NOTE: there is a cut off  for purchasing advanced tickets on the Tuesday prior to the Talk at 19:30 when the PayPal link will be disabled.  Any BACS or Cheque payments received after this time will be held over to the following months Talk.


To attend at the Museum is £6.00

To pay by PayPal please click HERE.

We do not issue physical tickets. PayPal informs us you have paid and your name will be added to the audience attendance list at the Museum Auditorium. You will be asked for your Surname and checked-in on the night.

PayPal Zoom

To attend on Zoom is £4.00

To pay by PayPal please click HERE.

We do not issue physical tickets. PayPal informs us you have paid and your name will be added to the Zoom attendance list and checked-in online on the night.


BANK: Lloyds Bank plc. Sort Code: 30-99-98 Account No: 00857987

Please reference the payment with your Surname/April so we know which talk you are paying for.

For Zoom, you must email requesting your Zoom invite. Please advise your payment is for the April 2025 Talk.

Zoom links will be sent 48 hours ahead of the Talk.  If you have not received one by 24 hours ahead of the Talk, please contact


Please send a cheque payable to SoFFAAM:

Membership Secretary, Coombe View, 1 Coombe Villas, Coombe Orchard, Chapel Street, Axmouth, Devon, EX12 4AU.

Please reference the payment with your Surname/April so we know which talk you are paying for.

For Zoom, you must email requesting your Zoom invite. Please advise your payment is for the April 2025 Talk.

Zoom links will be sent 48 hours ahead of the Talk.  If you have not received one by 24 hours ahead of the Talk, please contact


Tony Buttler AMRAeS – Sea Vixen 1950s Fleet Fighter 
Saturday 17 May 2025 at 2pm

Sqn Ldr (retd) Micheal Morison – The Jaguar’s front-line role during the Cold War 
Thursday 29 May 2025

Gp Capt. (retd) David Drew – Operation Carthage
Thursday 26 June 2025

Lt Keith Mills RM (retd) – The Battle for South Georgia
Thursday 31 July 2025

Terry Powell – RN Clearance Divers in Op Granby (Gulf War I)
Thursday 25 September 2025

Sqn Ldr (retd) Joe Marsden – Canberra Target towing, in the firing line of Royal Naval gunners and Army missile operators
Thursday 30 October 2025

Thursday 27 November 2025